Saturday, August 1, 2009
Press Release: Nursing Mother Forced To Leave Waiting Room
I've been doing my best to help Mildred Musni, a breastfeeding mother in Virginia, help her community to embrace nursing in public after an incident where a security guard demand she leave a hospital waiting room as she nursed her five-week-old baby. She was covered at the time, and the guard was exceedingly rude. The hospital has issued an apology; please read more at the press release above; I am hoping that the media will grab a hold of the story, as I am swamped with school work to do an article justice just right now.
Take it and run with it!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
M.I.L.C. Virtual Nurse-in For the normalisation, protection and promotion of breastfeeding
Host: | |
Type: | |
Network: | Global |
Start Time: | Saturday, August 1, 2009 at 12:00am |
End Time: | Friday, August 7, 2009 at 6:00pm |
Location: | Your Facebook Profile |
The Mother's International Lactation Campaign (M.I.L.C.) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the normalization, protection and promotion of breastfeeding.In 2008 and 2009 via the Facebook group "Hey Facebook, Breastfeeding is not Obscene!(official Petition to Facebook)" The organization hosted two nurse-in events on the popular social networking site. Facebook continues to remove depictions of breastfeeding from their site, demeaning women and encouraging the misconception that breastfeeding is in any way a lewd, sexually explicit or offensive act and is inappropriate content for their site. Facebook has issued several public statements in response to the petition group, claiming to support breastfeeding but removing some images out of "concern for the safety of the many young users of the site."
The virtual nurse-ins received extensive media coverage all around the world and membership in the petition group has surpassed 240,000. On one designated day, participants simply posted as their profile picture the image of a nursing mother and changed their status line to: Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene. Individuals used a very diverse and representative range
of images for the event including personal photographs, historic works of art and international symbols.
August 1-7, 2009 is World Breastfeeding Week.
Please join us once again in a peaceful demonstration to Facebook to let them know that breastfeeding is not
obscene, and women should have the right to share images of it on Facebook. Participants need not be nursing mothers nor even female for that matter, the event does not require you to go anywhere, write anyone or donate a single cent. It all happens on Facebook. Let's tell them that the support and promotion of breastfeeding on global social networking sites is an important step in the cultural normalization and protection of breastfeeding. Babies have a right to be breastfed, and women should be supported and encouraged to nurse their babies. When society sends the message that breastfeeding is private, awkward, offensive or socially
inappropriate, breastfeeding initiation and duration rates are affected. Negatively.
For all or any part of the week of August 1-7, please show your support by changing your Facebook profile picture to one depicting a mother nursing her young. A photograph, a drawing, sculpture, symbol or even a photo of your cat or dog nursing a litter. Really, it is so very simple to participate. Click to attend the event, borrow a picture or post your own and change your status line to Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene!
That's all there is to it. Show your support. Invite all your contacts to do the same. Thank you!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We are also very interested to know what initiatives, activities or promotional events are being undertaken in your own communities to support World Breastfeeding Week. Please feel free to use the wall space or post links to promote activities or events that you are aware of in your community or special thoughts or ideas that you may have to help protect, promote and normalize breastfeeding. Thank you for your support.
Copied from
My profile pic is already a nursing picture, with no plans of changing it any time soon!
New blog just for baby friendly business reviews!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Formula Advertisements on my Blog
However, I do get paid every time someone clicks on them.
And after some thought about it, I realized that those companies GET CHARGED when someone clicks on them.
Is it underhanded and dirty to recommend that you click on those ads every time you visit my site and drain their marketing funds? All it requires is a click from you and simply close the window that opens, which will help me financially to be able to keep up my work promoting breastfeeding at the same time that you will be impacting the profits of the opposition.
Until I figure out how to get the ads to better reflect my content (surely other businesses wouldn't be keen on their competition being promoted on their blog, so there has to be a setting somewhere...) please feel free to click, click away!!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
My Breastfeeding Success Story
I had my first baby when I was 19 years old. I had only witnessed breastfeeding about three times in person at this point, and I was across the country from my family. My closest friend at the time wasn't currently lactating, but she was probably my biggest support because she talked so positively about it, never doubting my ability to do it. What is amazing to think about now, is that with her fifth baby this year, she ran into complication nursing like never before, and I was able to encourage her, and now her newest baby is enjoying a healthy robust breastfeeding relationship. Even the most experienced moms can run into trouble nursing, and it can take a lot of effort to work through it, and I'm so proud of her that she stuck with it.
I didn't have any issues breastfeeding my first two babies. It was pure bliss, and they nursed for about 9 months each. I wish that I had nursed them longer.
I am now 28, and had my third baby last year. I was now living closer to my family. My sister said that I shouldn't count on breastfeeding, that it just might not work out this time, planting seeds of doubt before my son was born. He was 8 1/2 pounds at birth, born naturally VBAC in the hospital Saturday morning, ~15 minutes after arrival; we attempted a home birth but chickened out at third stage labor. He is now almost 7 months old, he weighs 20 pounds and is crawling, even starting to cruise on furniture as he pulls himself up already. Nursing after birth was great. I am upset that the nurse took him for a full twenty minutes before I first got to nurse, but we made it through that... and never again will I allow that to happen! We were ready to go home 24 hours after birth, but had to wait for the doctor to come in after church to officially release us. The next day I spent in bed skin-to-skin with my baby (in the hospital I held him constantly, but not naked and it was so sweaty and uncomfortable in that bed!). At home on his third day of life, it was heaven. My mom had my oldest children with her, so there was absolutely no worries that day, pure bliss.
My milk came in fully on that Tuesday, which was the day I was required to bring the baby back to the hospital for a health check since we had been released so soon. I was just starting to have complications that day, as I was so engorged that my son could not get a good latch. My nipples were sore, and I honestly was almost to a point of giving up breastfeeding it hurt so badly. I could see my milk ducts were starting to get plugged. The lactation consultant told me to get a breast pump and express enough to get my nipple drawn out, nurse the baby, and then drain the breast. If I hadn't done this, we would not have succeeded at nursing, I am sure. It only took one day of this, and I did not have to use the pump any more.
At two months, the pediatrician advised me to start nursing on a schedule. I did this for about 2 weeks, then went back to nursing on demand. Switching sides after 15 minutes was causing a foremilk-hindmilk imbalance, making my son painfully gassy. He had always been a little gassy, a bout for 3-5 minutes once a day or so, he'd squirm, cry, pass gas and be happy. We'll get to that issue in a bit. It was at this age that he was nursing constantly. My family (most of whom had never nursed, and if they had it wasn't for very long) would say things like, "You're nursing him again?" I even began to wonder if I was forcing myself on my baby, or was I teaching him to seek comfort by eating in a way that would lead to obesity later on in life.
At four months, my son had a day of extreme nursing, he was so gassy and perhaps it was a growth spurt, regardless of why he nursed and nursed. He nursed so much that my nipples got extremely sore. Even my breasts got sore, my left one felt like someone had punched it, like it was bruised deep inside. I began to think that perhaps the supposed thrush had turned ductal, and even a little guilty at not using the medicine the doctor prescribed three weeks earlier. So I used the medicine again, though I wasn't convinced it was thrush really. I believe my son was using me as a pacifier, which isn't so bad... what was bad was that when he was done eating, he would lose a proper latch and nibble on my nipple for a long, long time. With a focus on proper latch and breaking suction with the proper technique as soon as my nipple started to get irritated, within three days we were back on track with no more pain.
It was at this point that I officially made a decision to only nurse one side per feeding, as long as he wanted until my nipple couldn't take it any more. If he was still hungry at that point, I would switch sides after breaking suction. At our four month check up later that week, I happened to ask my doctor if I was cleaning my son correctly, as he is not circumcised. The doctor proceeded, without my permission, to perform a surgical procedure called retracting of the foreskin. I mention it here because whenever I get a chance, I tell people "IF INTACT, DON'T RETRACT - ONLY CLEAN WHAT IS SEEN!" We were extrememly fortunate that my son appears to have not been injured by this procedure; he did not respond with any indication of pain. A couple of weeks later, I researched this more online and learned about how it is dangerous for the foreskin to be retracted. At this same appointment, I addressed with the pediatrician yet again about my son's issues with painful gas. He said that since the bouts only lasted about 3-5 minutes, there was no medication he could prescribe that would work any faster. It was irritating that he only cared about giving a drug as treatment, rather than taking a holistic approach and discussing what might be causing the problem and work on preventing it.
So I ended up doing my own research online, contacting my local La Leche League. It was in a conversation with LLL that the "cow milk protein sensitivity" was brought up. Before that, I was thinking that my son was "lactose intolerant" and so I needed Lactaid or soy milk to replace the dairy in my diet. But upon further research, I decided that based on the symptoms and my own trials with dairy elimination in my diet, that my son has a slight sensitivity to cow milk protein. As a result, we decided to buy a goat share and now own one seventh of a dairy goat and that is what I drink instead of cow milk. My son seems to be doing much better as far as the painful gasiness goes... it can take a month before all the proteins have left both the mother's and baby's systems! I recently started reintroducing bovine dairy products, as this sensitivity usually goes away as a baby gets older. But, I can tell whenever I've had too much, he gets gassy again (my weakness is ice cream).
That puts us here at almost seven months old and starting solids. My son is getting a jar of baby food every other day, in addition to cereal with expressed breast milk. My pediatrician said I could be feeding him more, and in fact the only thing I've agreed with him on is to not use jarred baby food from the store. I had bought some jars before learning more about baby led weaning, and so we are going through them rather than waste them and doing a combination that suits us. Once they are gone, he will be eating whatever foods we eat that are suitable and safe for him. I am irritated that the doctor made a statement about making sure my baby gets water because he could dehydrate during the summer heat... breastmilk is the best for hydration, not water- in fact, water can lead to electrolyte imbalances. My doctor was also irritated that I decided to decline vaccinations at our six month visit, saying I wanted to read Dr. Sears' The Vaccine Book before getting any more shots. When he (very rudely) asked why I had started to doubt vaccines, I mentioned my concerns about mercury. He flippantly responded, "Oh, they stopped using that years ago." That statement is simply not entirely true- one only need check out their ingredients listed at the CDC site.
I have included my complications with my pediatrician, although not all entirely breastfeeding related, as evidence to all parents, that you simply can not blindly trust doctors. You must educate yourself. My doctor is a nice man, he's great with kids... but he's working based on a lot of outdated knowledge, and the reality is HE IS NOT ALONE. I'm not in a situation where I have much choice in regards to our pediatrician; I'm working on finding a doctor more attuned to our parenting style (he also doesn't agree with our co-sleeping). My location is one of the biggest limitations, the area isn't exactly reknowned for being up to speed on the most recent health trends. Kentucky was the fourth lowest-ranked state in 2008 for breastfeeding rates, falling behind by a good 20% in comparison the rest of the United States. The local hospital here actually admitted to having a policy of not encouraging breastfeeding; they do not encourage nor discourage nursing (or so the doctor told my friend who recently had a baby)... but they hand out free samples of formula, which in my eyes, is a blatant discouragement of breastfeeding. Hardin Memorial Hospital in Elizabethtown, Kentucky is definitely NOT a Baby Friendly facility.
Edited 7/18/09
Cute little breastfeeding feeding awareness beanies!
Breast Is Best - Breast feeding awareness beanie hat - 3 to 6 mo. - free shipping - madhelmeteer |
Description |
SHIPS FREE!!! You'll find no other one quite like this. This is the perfect hat for all you breastfeeding advocates. Custom ordering is available for any sizing. This listing is specifically for the hat in the second photo in the sidebar. Size: 3 to 6mo. - ready to ship! See my shop for other super cute hat listings I took the liberty to post this, I tried to use the share feature on the site, but nothing happened when I clicked the link, so I copied and pasted. Madhelmeteer, please advise if you would prefer that I delete this, I tried to contact you online, but I was too lazy to create an etsy account just to do so. I assumed you wouldn't mind the free advertisement, correct me if I'm wrong. Love the hat! |
Friday, July 10, 2009
Breastfeeding Tips: From Preemies to Worries about Baby Starving before Milk Comes In
"Breast milk is doubly important for your pre-mature baby, as he/she will be very susceptible to infections and it will provide antibodies, white blood cells and strong immunity to him/her, to resist infections. In addition, a regular supply of breast milk helps strengthen neurological growth. So, pump as often you can. You can even rent an electric pump, which will help you build your milk supply."
The confusion about milk production and the need to supplement formula prior to a mother's milk coming in upsets me greatly. I hear so many mothers that tried to breastfeed but turned to formula because they were convinced that they "just didn't make enough milk." It saddens me, and one of my main personal goals as a lactivist is to get the knowledge and support system out there about this myth in particular: The truth is, your baby will not starve before your milk comes in (~4 days after birth) and you do not need to supplement with formula. Every other mammal takes a few days for their milk to come in, it is a perfect design (regardless if you believe in creation or evolution). Here are some links that I found regarding this issue:
I absolutely love it is the online breastfeeding Bible!
The only other informative link I've found so far. Mostly, you come across forums and blogs about women who had difficulties breastfeeding. Most of their sad stories are proceeded by tales of birth difficulties, particularly c-sections typically caused as a result of inductions that led to complications (fetal distress, often caused by doctors on purpose by maxing the pitocin). Some stories come from mothers that chose to have medicated births and then are astonished when their drugged babies don't latch or nurse and I get so angry at the medical profession for their contribution to
Usually, I think Yahoo answers is a joke, but the majority of women on this thread are experienced breastfeeding mothers with useful insight and worth a read-through. is one of the best parenting resources I have found online.
So you don't think I'm completely closed-minded, this one has links to both sides of the breastmilk-formula argument. Mainly, LLL's concern is that early formula supplementation is detrimental to establishing milk production.
Powdered formula leading to brain damage and death in premies in America
I couldn't not post this once I had seen it.
I wish I could get a transcript, but basically, hospitals across the country are feeding powdered infant formula to premature babies, despite labels stating not to do so. Powdered infant formula is not sterile and can carry bacteria that leads to brain damage and death in preemies. There have been cases documented across America. Hospitals completely disregard the warnings on the labels.
When I googled it, I came up with these interesting results which I would like to share with you:
Now this blog I imagine addresses this issue, as it did come up in the search, but you'll have to look for it. Otherwise, a great site that when I have the time I will be browsing through.
Powdered Baby Formula Could Be Dangerous For Some Infants by Dave Savini
CHICAGO (CBS) ― A warning for parents: Milk-based powdered formula could put premature babies at risk.
And it is a possible cause for the death of an infant born at Rush-Copley Medical Center in Aurora and other babies across the country.
Connor McGray and his twin brother, Logan, were born prematurely on Nov. 16, 2007, at Rush-Copley.
Connor appeared to be the healthier of the two — until a week later when their parents, Amanda Carlin and Tim McGray of Somonauk, received a call from a doctor at the hospital, saying the infant was lethargic and refusing to eat.
Doctors discovered Connor had meningitis, McGray said, and "they basically told us, all we could do (was) pray."
The baby died at home on May 3, 2008, five months after he was born.
The cause of death listed on the baby's death certificate is hydrocephalus and bacterial meningitis. The bacterial infection, according to a memo from the Illinois Department of Public Health, "may be associated with the consumption of a powdered breast milk fortifier."
Diluted formula almost kills baby
Dec. 3: A baby nearly dies after his mother watered down formula to save money; NBC News chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman weighs in on the dangers of diluting infants’ milk powder.
Dec 03, 2008 - Flash - source
Milk powder poisons 432 babies
Sep 13 - China says it believes 432 babies across the country have been made ill with kidney stones after drinking milk powder contaminated with melamine.
Sep 13, 2008 - Flash - watch here - source
Moms warned against diluting baby formula
Dec. 2: Health officials are warning cash-strapped parents not to try to save money by watering down powdered baby formula after a five-month old Tampa boy almost died from malnourishment and water in... more
Dec. 2: Health officials are warning cash-strapped parents not to try to save money by watering down powdered baby formula after a five-month old Tampa boy almost died from malnourishment and water intoxication. NBC's Brian Williams reports. less
Dec 03, 2008 - Flash - source
Baby milk recall spreads fear in China
Sept. 17: The Chinese government has recalled 22 brands of milk powder after it was found that they are tainted with a banned chemical that has led to over 6000 babies falling sick. The same chemical ... more
Sept. 17: The Chinese government has recalled 22 brands of milk powder after it was found that they are tainted with a banned chemical that has led to over 6000 babies falling sick. The same chemical caused the death of cats and dogs in the US last year when it was found in China-made pet food less
Sep 18, 2008 - Flash - source
And finally this link:
Facebook Account Disabled
Whether it was coincidence or not, it happened the moment I was sending a response to a mother who had been harassed for nursing at a children's hospital, discussing plans to coordinate a nurse-in and how to go about contacting hospital staff and submitting a press release.
Undoubtedly, my account was disabled solely due to my breastfeeding content and advocacy.
I have been sending e-mail upon e-mail with only bot responses so far.
It was interesting to note in a group on Facebook (427 members) for breastfeeding mothers who had their accounts disabled, that someone did some research and discovered that Nestle has a large financial investment in Facebook (we're talking millions of dollars here).
Facebook does not give reasons why accounts get disabled. They do not give any evidence to support their claims that you have violated their terms of service. In fact, they do not even state exactly which terms you might have violated. Accounts get disabled, the user protests by contacting them over and over and over until finally, the account is reinstated, all the content is intact and no one can ever say exactly what it was that caused the disruption in the first place.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hooray for Boobies! Onesie by Skreened
The Hooray for Boobies! nursing picnics raise public awareness and acceptance of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding babies, mommies and anyone else who supports breastfeeding are invited to participate in celebrating the wonderfully multi-functional purpose of breasts... especially their perfect ability to nourish and nurture babies! The Hooray for Boobies! nursing picnic goals are to combat the oversexualization of the breast in Western culture and to bring exposure to the naturality and beauty of breastfeeding.
About Hooray for Boobies!: Lactivists Lauren Damon and Tiffany Deering co-founded the organization and collaborated on the first Hooray for Boobies! nursing event, which was held in June 2009 at Columbus, Ohio. Their focus is on advocating breastfeeding by helping others to coordinate and publicize their own local nursing events.
Hooray for Boobies! One-Piece
Breastfed babies are proud that their mommies nurse them and they want everyone to know it!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Breastfeeding-friendly Business Reviews
I plan on using a rating system based on these criteria:
- Seating
- Is it comfortable for nursing? 0-4 points
- Is there an area suitable for those desiring privacy? 0-4 points
- Booster seats
- Are they safe and in good condition? 0-4 points
- Are they clean? 0-4 points
- Child-friendly dinnerware & service
- Do they have plastic or paper cups with lids for children? 0-3 points
- Do the waiters take extra precaution with silverware (sharp) and serving food and beverages (hot)? 0-3 points
- Bathroom Facilities
- Do they have a diaper changing station? If so, are they clean and safe? 0-4 points
- Do they have a toddler seat mounted on the wall? If so, are they clean and safe? 0-4 points
- Staff
- How did the staff respond to nursing? -5 to 5 points
- How did the staff respond to patrons upset by nursing (if any)? -5 to 5 points
- Patrons
- How did patrons respond to nursing? -5 to 5 points
- How did patrons respond to staff or other patrons upset by nursing (if any)? -5 to 5 points
Review of Enterprise Car Rental in Elizabethtown, KY
At first, I had some struggles with procuring a car rental in order to get to Columbus, Ohio for the Hooray for Boobies! nursing picnic. It was initially very frustrating working with Enterprise Car Rental... but in the end this company really came through with a Hip Hip Hooray for Boobies!
I would like to personally thank the wonderful staff of Enterprise Car Rental for supporting our cause to normalize breastfeeding. It was great to be asked genuine questions about nursing during our conversations while we went through two hours of complications before finally getting me in a wonderful Pontiac G5 and on the road to Columbus.
They picked me up, they struggled with me through numerous hassles, they even brought me to my bank to cash a check! They were extremely polite as I nursed my son there after returning the car and it was great to witness their excellent service with a different customer as well, the branch manager Sarah is wonderful... I hope I can get them all t-shirts from Skreened some day!
I am fortunate to not have experienced harsh discrimination in terms of my breastfeeding. The most is a slight discomfort from family that were not comfortable being in the same room as I nursed and some comments that probably came from a place of ignorance rather than spite, such as "You're feeding him again?" Most of the feelings I felt about being nervous or embarrassed about nursing in public I probably projected on myself, harboring a fear of being repelled by society which may or may not have been warranted. Honestly, while I haven't been confronted by any rude person, I have been made very well aware that others were uncomfortable.
Seeking out kindred spirits of the lactating kind, I didn't know any in person and therefore ended up in the group "Hey Facebook! Breastfeeding is not obscene!". There new thought-provoking ideas and intensive education were presented and I absorbed it all like a sponge, seeking out more and more. A passion ignited, and when I attempted to share this passion, I was met with opposition from my family. This only made my flame grow stronger. I had a desire to be a part of something bigger in the lactivism equation, contemplated becoming a lactation consultant, urged the group to plan another M.I.L.K. event so I could participate, got braver in the nursing photos I posted online as I actively pursued avenues online on which I could advocate breastfeeding.
When my breastfeeding picture (left) got banned by Facebook, that prompted me to take the next step and I launched "The Crunchy Lactavist" website. About that time, Lauren had the idea to have a nursing event at ComFest. I offered my help in publicizing the event using my marketing and graphic design skills, and advertising it on my website. While becoming a lactation consultant could take years (I've recently enrolled in college to pursue this avenue as well), I have talents I can utilize now to have an impact.
I have spent the last six months since my son was born educating myself about breastfeeding... the biological facts, the politics, the statistics. It bothers me greatly that the state of Kentucky ranks so low on their nursing rates, a good 20% behind 45 other states. I have radical ideas about the W.I.C. program and government legislation and programs supporting breastfeeding mothers. I desire that everyone be informed about breastfeeding, so that through knowledge and awareness, nursing will be normalized in our society to the point that it will be unusual to see a formula-fed infant.
The "Hooray for Boobies!" nursing picnic hosted at ComFest in Columbus, Ohio, on June 26-27, 2009, might not have had many participants. We knew from the beginning that it might not; it was a rather last-minute idea, but ComFest is not the end but rather the beginning for "Hooray for Boobies!" Thanks to the publicity of the event, it helped create awareness about the topic, and that in itself is a success. The knowledge we gained about what to do and what not to do will help with future event coordination (the next event is planned for Elizabethtown, Kentucky in August). One expectant mother approached me, asking questions about breastfeeding (I think she asked it if hurt when my six-month old latched on in front of her). As Lauren said, we "literally exposed thousands of people to our issue" between the media coverage and the actual public nursing. Even though there weren't many mothers with us, we were still able to impact thousands of people by walking around and allowing them to witness breastfeeding in person, and for many that might have been the first time they had ever seen it. I did nurse while topfree Saturday afternoon.
We arrvied a little late. The first problem we encountered was parking. Second, we realized that we should have been more specific about what part of the playground we were meeting at, the place was huge and so were the crowds. When we got bored sitting, we decided to walk around. I opted to go topfree while carrying my son in a sling, and he would nurse off and on as we circulated around the festival. Two women spoke to us, it was great that they treated me like I had my clothes on, I felt so awkward! They talked to the baby, and cheered me on and let us know how great they thought it was we were advocating breastfeeding.
I tried my best to look everyone in the eye and smile, per the Indiscreet Breastfeeding Manifesto on my website. It got easier the more I did it, especially towards the end of the day when more and more women were going topfree as well. The highlight of my day was when I was letting my son have some air-time sans diaper in the grass and a woman came over with her little dog, who was interested in the baby. My son loves dogs, and we struck up a conversation. In the midst of our discussing pregnancy (as it turned out, she was expecting), my son decided he was hungry and he latched on in front of her. She asked if it hurt, I was honest and admitted that sometimes, especially at first, it can hurt... but over time it gets so easy. We spoke for a while about various parenting isuues, and she let us know how encouraged to breast feed she was after our chat. That truly truly made all of this worth it!
For more about the nursing picnic in Columbus, please visit the special page designated to ComFest on the TERA website:
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Other Paper Cover Story Lacto-intolerant
Shared via AddThis
Kudos to Lauren!!!!
Hooray for Boobies!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Resources for Breastfeeding Printables
There are some great handouts printable at the INFACT site... it all depends on what angle you want to go for
Are you wanting to present info against formula?
Support for nursing in public? I recommend the Indiscreet Breastfeeding Manifesto
*new! printable manifesto
Perhaps with the laws about nursing in public:
Breastfeeding Pocketguide
Please just make sure that you do not distribute any leaflets at the event, but give them to Lauren and she will make sure they get to a willing ComFest booth holder.
Hooray for Boobies! featured on NBC
Lauren did great in this interview.
Unfortunately, I feel that the folks at NBC did a kinda botch job on this one. Perhaps it was because they were going for a topless story, then at the last minute changed their minds to take on the nursing, combined the two and threw it together last minute. Also, the voice over has this tone to it that IMHO sounds a little judgmental/critical, instead of what I imagine a neutral genuine news story should have. I think they were trying to push controversy down the viewers throats, instead of showing support in a positive light to help normalize breastfeeding. Either way, we got some very much needed publicity and hopefully this will help increase participation at the picnic in Goodale Park. Just a reminder, the picnic will be at the playground; however, if there are enough participants, we believe it would be great for small groups to wander around nursing while they walk.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hooray for Boobies! Nurse-in Event
The “Hooray for Boobies” nursing picnic to raise public awareness and acceptance of breastfeeding is scheduled to be held at Goodale Park in Columbus, Ohio this June.
Breastfeeding babies, mommies and anyone else who supports breastfeeding are invited to participate in celebrating the wonderfully multi-functional purpose of breasts... especially their perfect ability to nourish and nurture babies! The “Hooray for Boobies!” nurse-in event, coordinated by Lauren Damon, will be held in Goodale Park in Columbus, Ohio, on June 26 & 27. While not required, participants will be encouraged to breastfeed topfree, which is legal in the state of Ohio. A sister virtual event is being held online for those on Facebook, asking participants to change their status for the day to "Hooray for Boobies! I am celebrating the wonderfully multi-functional purpose of breasts... especially their perfect ability to nourish and nurture babies! http://normalizebreastfeeding.
The nurse-in will be held at the playground in Goodale Park, event hours are as follows:
June 26, 2009 12pm - 5pm
June 27, 2009 10am-1pm, break, 4pm-7pm
The picnic happens to coincide with ComFest, but there is no affiliation with the ComFest Event.
The “Hooray for Boobies!” event goals are to combat the oversexualization of the breast in Western culture and to bring exposure to the naturality and beauty of breastfeeding.
We ask that you please help publicize this event by printing the poster on our website and displaying it as many places as possible and by spreading the word. Also, please consider making a contribution to help fund this event. Costs for this event mostly involve printing and travel; excess donations will go towards coordinating future events nationwide and publishing educational materials that will help promote breastfeeding. Hooray for Boobies!
Printable poster (PDF) http://normalizebreastfeeding.
About “Hooray for Boobies!”:
Lauren Damon, a mother in Ohio, had the idea that ComFest would be the perfect place to host a nurse-in to raise breastfeeding awareness and support. She posted her idea on the group discussion board of “Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene!”. Group member and fellow lactivist Tiffany Deering responded to the post, offering her assistance as market coordinator, the two proceeded to collaborate and the “Hooray for Boobies!” nurse-in picnic was born. They were too late to get a booth at ComFest, however, and so while the event will be slightly limited to a simple picnic of friends who happen to be nursing together, it is still one important way to help normalize breastfeeding and help establish this pro-active lactavism event.
Contact: Tiffany Deering
Web: http://normalizebreastfeeding.
The press release and an interview with event coordinator are available for download online:
Columbus Event:
Virtual Event:
Fan Page: